Harry Hermon, CEO, ISA

The ISA has recently joined the Federation of Irish Sport group insurance scheme, why did you as an NGB choose to join?

HH: We saw the value of sports bodies coming together to purchase insurance as a group scheme, as this has delivered savings to other groups in the not-for-profit sector. We also felt it was important to support the work of  our Federation and it’s initiatives for members.

What benefits did the ISA gain from joining the scheme?

HH: The ISA saved a significant amount on our premium, with no reduction in cover levels, and gained a better understanding of what our insurance actually covered. We also saw the potential for delivering an offering to our members which would increase affinity to the ISA and value to our membership.

The ISA have recently launched an insurance scheme for ISA clubs and training centres, was this an area that your members saw room for improvement?

Our clubs have for years been looking for an appropriate scheme that the ISA can deliver, which offers all types of cover, for our varying activities, at a reasonable rate. We are delighted that BHP Insurances have delivered this offering to our members.

What advice would you give to other NGBs who are reviewing/renewing their insurances at present? 

HH: A lot of people in voluntary bodies and sport, including myself, don’t have the expertise or knowledge to fully understand their insurance policies so it was really helpful to sit down with BHP and go through the covers and see where we could improve and make sure we were not exposed as an organisation. Ask for a quote you’ve nothing to lose

Many thanks for taking the time to talk to us, finally what events/initiatives have the ISA got planned for the coming year?

HH: The Gathering is a big one for us this year, as we seek to attract international visitors to five key events we have planned; 3 European Championships, a Paralympic World Championships and a recreational cruise in company targeting 100 foreign boats sailing from Dun Laoghaire to Dingle. This is a strategy aimed at increasing our profile internationally, which in turn we can use to increase participation and performance at home.

For more information on the FIS group insurance scheme click here

For more information on the ISA insurance scheme for clubs and training centres click here